This is what 3 looks like

In the months preceding my 3rd birthday, I might have been classified as a silly-willy.

But since then, I’ve matured into a much older and wiser version of myself and I must say that three looks good on me!

As a 3-year-old:

  • Some of my favorite phrases are:
    • “What did you said?”
    • “What did I did?”
    • and “Because why?”
  • Once I get picked up from school, you’ll often hear me ask, “How was your day, mom/dad?”
  • And on Fridays, I exclaim, “It’s the WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!”
  • Currently, my main sport is basketball. I love to watch it, I love to play it, but I do get a bit traumatized when someone falls down on the court.
  • I suddenly have strong opinions about my wardrobe. (Just put down the jeans, hand over my fleecey pants & light-up crocs, and nobody will get hurt.)
  • I remain a silent pouter.
  • I’ve improved on my nose-blowing skills.
  • I’m a really good eater, especially when I’m presented with Ramen noodles, strawberries, scrambled eggs with sausage or chorizo, Cheerios, macaroni and cheese, cheeseburgers, pizza…..
  • My eczema still bothers me, but it gets better as summer nears.
  • I’m pretty good at sticking fruit loops and cheerios up my nose.
  • Instead of being scared of storms, I now look forward to snuggling safely between mom and dad in their bed!
  • I’ve gone from zero to hero on my gift-opening skills.

The list goes on, but as you can see, it’s good to be three! This year is sure to be triple the fun… just watch!!

Breaking News: I’m a threenager!

Three at last, three at last. I’m finally, FINALLY three at last!

My first conscious moments as a three-year-old looked something like this:

The minutes that followed were spent on an Easter egg hunt, because although it was MOSTLY my birthday, it was also Easter Sunday!

After finding a gazillion eggs that were hidden around the house, I also discovered some birthday presents that I sweet-talked my way into opening early.

At long last, it was time to get my birthday party started! And guess what I got?! Lots of love, ballons (by request), lovely gifts, and my very own 4-wheeler!!

After several test-drives on my new wheels, it was time for birthday cake and candles (also on my list of requests)!!! Being serenaded by a bunch of loved ones wearing Mickey Mouse ears was just what I needed!

And just to maximize our day while soaking up the sunshine, we hit the trails in caravan-style and enjoyed everything our backyard had to offer. It was refreshing and beautiful and….

…..zzzzzzz…. and, it was a wrap!

Birthday Eve (April 15)

When we arrived at the much-anticipated day-before-my-birthday, I was a little disappointed to learn that I still had to wait a day until my birthday. But, Grandma and Grandpa averted a meltdown by letting me open a couple gifts early: the fanciest Crocs you’ve ever seen and a Harlem Globetrotters basketball!!! It was love at first sight. You should see how my shoes light up and how I can do fancy spin moves with my new basketball. It’s quite impressive.

Next, my neighbors (the Nicolais) invited me to their house to color Easter eggs! Who knew I had a hidden talent for decorating hard-boiled eggs?! It was so much fun, but the best part was when we paused for a Cheeto break.

After I woke up from a nap I didn’t agree to, the parents and I traveled to La Crosse to pick up my Mickey Mouse birthday cake and then headed to Sparta for some of my mom’s favorite PIZZA! I love when we order pizza-to-go and take it to the local park. I get to slide on the slides and swing on the swings between every bite, and once I eat my pizza all gone, we go on a bike ride all around town! Final destination? Rudy’s Drive-In of course. Root beer floats are the only way to conclude my birthday eve.

Let the Celebration Begin!

The countdown to my birthday officially began on Friday. I arrived at school, equipped with Mickey Mouse bubbles and egg-shaped rice krispy treats (compliments of Grandma and Cortney) so everyone would know who the birthday boy was: ME! Although it was fun commanding all the attention, I left school early that day and was greeted by Jackie, who surprised me with a Mickey Mouse balloon and two fun books for my reading pleasure. Thanks, Jackie!

After that, we picked up Dad and headed to Rochester to meet up with the rest of the fam for dinner at Newt’s before experiencing the most entertaining basketball team I’ve ever seen: The Harlem Globetrotters! (Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!) They were SILLL-LY!

The night was complete after I consumed my grape slushy, received a couple autographs, and memorized some new basketball tricks.

What a FUN day! I love turning almost-three.

Weekend @ Papa’s!

Last weekend we visited Papa Florence! I think he might have missed me as much as I’ve been missing him! We had a quick, but fun visit. First, I showed him my very impressive basketball skills and then we toured campers in Burlington. I found the one I liked… it was equipped with a playground on top of it (see photo below). SOLD! After that, we visited a newly developed shopping complex in Brookfield where they gave away free roses, chocolates, golf balls and teddy bears to people who were awake…. too bad I was snoring away, but at least I woke up in time to play at the local park. Finally, I learned how to drive Papa’s golf cart. Watch out squirrels! There’s a new driver on the lawn.