Experiencing apple orchards & Hmong New Year celebrations!

I visited my first apple orchard yesterday. It was so neat! Besides apples everywhere, I saw huge sunflowers, bright orange pumpkins, and a bunch of silly farm animals. There was also a corn maze, a slighty scary haunted house and fun hayrides! Mom and dad enjoyed apple pie cookies, caramel apples, apple cider and a variety of sweet and delicious apples right from the tree! I can’t wait to get more teeth!!

After we filled up on everything apples, we traveled to La Crosse for the Hmong New Year celebration, where we perused vendors, watched volleyball and soccer matches, and visited with friends. We walked by all the food stands and took in many delicious smells before Mom and dad decided to indulge in a refreshing mango bubble tea and crisp, sizzling egg rolls. Teeth: where are you already?! What a perfect day! Next time we do this, I’m bringing some teeth so I can fully participate in all festivities instead of returning home to mushy, tasteless sweet peas. Yuck!

East Coast Road Trip

This past weekend we traveled to the east coast (of Wisconsin) to get some Grandpa Florence love! Driving across the state was much easier this time. I basically shut my eyes and when I woke up, we were there! It’s been a while since we’ve been able to go visit him, so I wasn’t sure if he’d remember me, but then I saw that he has a display of my framed pictures to look at for the days when we’re apart. That’s cute, grandpa!

We also got to visit Aunt Donna and met the Swanson family. The littlest Swanson is almost the same age as me! It was nice to hang out with someone who speaks my language. Thanks for hosting a yummy dinner, Aunt Donna!

Just before we left today, we had a surprise visit from Great Grandma Garcia and Aunt Josephine. They gave me lots of hugs and taught me some songs in Spanish. It was mucho fun.

Now we’re back home and the weekend is over already. Whoever invented weekends should be fired; they’re just not long enough. Until next time, east coast friends….

President of the welcoming committee

Here I am, attending a couple of UW-L’s welcome socials, sponsored by Multicultural Student Services and the Pride Center. I got passed from person to person, welcoming as many people as I could. Turns out, it’s hard work greeting everyone and so I accidentally fell asleep between a couple hand-offs. Oops! Luckily, I’ve got skills and I know how to make people smile even with my eyes closed. I should probably be the president of the welcoming committee, just sayin’.

Return to Jellystone

Last weekend I made my return to Jellystone with my cute bear outfit. I mean, somebody needed to give Yogi a little competition. Who’s the cutest bear now!?


I’m not sure what happened to summer… it was there last time we camped at Jellystone. But, I kind of liked the chill in the air because shivers encourage more snuggling, and I like snuggles! We had a great time celebrating my cousin Ashlee’s 11th birthday. The weekend was full of campfires, outdoor movies, birthday cake, pizza, and giggly/chatty 5th grade girls. Whoa… if that’s what 5th grade looks like, it’s going to be loud! But, sign me up anyway. Those girls were totally into me and spoiled me with attention… I think I can handle that!

Strike a pose

Like my new hat? It doesn’t really go with my pajamas, but that’s what happens when mom makes me strike a pose first thing in the morning. Ugh… it’s not easy being so cute; I always have to be ready for a camera all up in my face. Somebody get that lady into a photography class so she can learn how to take pictures of some other subjects.

You’re going to see a lot of me, UW-L

I made my way back to the UW-L campus for another appearance. Mom says UW-L is going to be our new hang out since my school closes at 5:30 and there is still college work to be done after that some days. No complaints from me! I get really excited to hear what my college buddies are learning these days. Plus, it’s great for my self esteem since they also usually remind me that I’m sooooo cute. See you next week, UW-L. You’ll find me at the Pride Center’s Welcome Social on Tuesday and at the Multicultural Student Services’ Cookout on Wednesday!

Awareness through Performance – Fall 2014

Tonight Dad took me to my first ATP show, a labor of love from 20 social-justice-minded UW-L students who come together to change the world one performance at a time. I’m so glad we had front row seats for that awesomeness! I had the privilege of watching a bunch of my friends share their very real, very raw, yet very beautiful stories. Mom says stories are like bridges, connecting strangers through common struggle, identity, and experience. We all have a story. I’m writing mine right now!

“Owning your story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.” -Brene Brown #UWLATP