Level Up: This is Nine

On April 16, I leveled up to nine years old.

I’m still your favorite rule-following, worrywart dude, but with improved cursive writing skills (thanks, Grandma!) and a love for solving math problems. However, I’ve also transformed into an up-and-coming microwave chef and an avid Xbox player.

At 9, I can impress you with my electric scooter riding skills and my Prime Hydration consumption abilities. But most days, you’ll find me dribbling a soccer or basketball, throwing the football around, snuggling with blankets, or drinking kiddie cocktails.

A couple of this year’s favorite gifts were my Air Jordan shoes and my Google Chromebook! But the gift I wished really hard for, didn’t come until 24 hours later…


On April 17, we got to stay home from school because we saw an unprecedented 24+ inches of snow! It was a winter wonderland in April, and although magical, the heavy snowfall knocked over lots of trees and caused power outages across the region. It was a beautiful mess. Luckily, our house was spared from any major damage, so I was free to go about my wish-come-true snow day with pure joy.

Easter Birthday 2023

On Easter Sunday, after discovering our Easter baskets hidden across the main floor, we then continued my birthday celebration at the Nicolai house. I won’t officially turn 9 until April 16, but since that weekend will be filled with soccer matches in Madison, we decided to gather a week early.

I am always so grateful to have a family that slows down to mark every milestone with the traditional lighting of the candles.

Birthday Boy

My 9th birthday party was full of action… that is, Action City Family Fun Center and Trampoline Park!

My parents drove me and a few friends up to Eau Claire for a night of laser tag, bumper cars, go karts, arcade games, mini bowling, and trampoline fun and it was just what my soul needed. There, I was welcomed into my ninth year of life with pizza, sports cupcakes, nerf guns, and Dairy Queen Dilly bars.

I may not have beat the claw machine, but I definitely won at having some of the best buds a boy could ask for, and a super duper birthday celebration to show for it!

Tough Guy

This is the face of a tough guy who fractured his pinky playing basketball. So tough, in fact, that I waited three days post-incident to visit the doctor. Now I have to wear this finger splint for 6-8 weeks to help it heal. I’m super bummed that this will greatly inhibit my ability to unload the dishwasher.