Traxxas Monster Truck Destruction Tour

On February 16th, the parents made good on my Christmas present and took me to my first Monster Truck show!

After arriving at the La Crosse Center in style, compliments of Mom and Genesee’s fancy curb-side drop-off, Dad and I ventured inside to locate our top-dollar seats for the LOUD, cold, dusty monster truck rumble.

Despite the noise and the temperature, and never mind that I may or may not have fallen asleep for a little bit, the show was really AWESOME! We cheered on our favorite adventure-seeking drivers, we witnessed a monster truck flip over, we got mud splashed on us, and I enjoyed a hot dog lunch with a cotton candy chaser.

The monster mayhem gained a new superfan!

Snowpocalypse & Polar Vortex

You can mark us safe; we survived the 2019 Snowpocalypse and Polar Vortex. But dozens were not so lucky, as tragic deaths were reported after snow blankets dumped from the sky and record-setting artic conditions gripped much of the Midwest. The historic bitter temperatures suspended the U.S. Postal service, closed businesses, and canceled schools (including mine and mom’s), as a state of emergency was declared and people were urged to stay indoors or risk experiencing frostbite and hypothermia within minutes. I was happy to oblige because I love my stay-home days. And because hot chocolate topped with melty marshmallows is good for the soul. And because fresh air never feels better than right before a polar vortex. And because SLEDDING… finally!