La Crosse County Dairy Breakfast 2019

On days like these, I pity the lactose intolerant.

So, to display my sympathy, I woke up before 6:00 a.m. to allow myself the indulgence of all things dairy, fresh from the farm, with no wait time and no bloating, cramps, or diarrhea to show for it.

And to demonstrate an attitude of gratitude for a well-organized Dairy Breakfast, I released a balloon into the air, I got a tattoo of a Holstein, I helped Genesee mount every available tractor, I slid down the inflatable slide, and loved on all of the furry friends.

The Dairy Breakfasts of June Dairy Days never disappoint.

We’ll be back next year; Genesee will bring more teeth and I’ll bring a bigger stomach!

Farewell, Daycare!

June 6, 2019, marked my last day of 4-K preschool at Children’s Treehouse.

I’m gonna miss that place and all that came with it: the lovely teachers, the fun field trips, the artsy craftsies, and the silly shenanigans with my school bud besties. But, this wasn’t just a one-sided relationship; I think that place is gonna miss me too.

In fact, Mr. Andrew’s parting words prove that “everyone benefit[ed] from [my] compassion and kind heart.” And Ms. Lisa affirmed that I was a “super friend” and “so very smart.” Most importantly, Ms. Mel claimed that she “LOVED getting to know [me]” because I am “something special.”

Furthermore, if those classroom walls could talk, they’d probably disclose secrets of how I’m a budding genius, an upstanding human being, and the best hope for our future. And, if the carpets could talk, they would likely tell you about all of the moments I sobbed, and puked, and sometimes wore my muddy outside shoes inside.

Hopefully, nobody cares about the stories that carpets hold.

Still, even with the meltdown dropoffs and projectile green beans, the highs completely outweighed the lows. Thank you, Children’s Treehouse, from the bottom of my big heart! I’m taking with me all of the beautiful memories and leaving only invisible footprints that spell: “Jaeger was here.”


– J. Goodenough; Signed out.

Tooth Loss

There are many risk factors for tooth loss…. Gum disease, smoking, and apparently, turkey & cheese sandwiches. This is based on a scientific study that was conducted at school yesterday when I lost my first tooth at the lunch table! It’s been wiggly for a couple of weeks now, but after biting into my freshly-prepared turkey & cheese sandwich, my tooth was just hanging on by a thread! That’s when Miss Chrissy located the closest dental instrument (sometimes referred to as a “napkin”) and successfully completed the extraction for an impromptu show-and-tell with my classmates. I was ready, I was brave, and just when you thought I couldn’t get any cuter, I was suddenly gap-toothed.