Hello, world!

photo 4I have arrived… cute as a button! My name is Jaeger Amari Goodenough. Jaeger (pronounced “Jay-ger”) means Hunter, and keeps me connected to my German origins. Amari means courage, strength, and to be loved. Amari links me to my African and Mexican/Spanish roots!

The date was Wednesday, April 16 (7 days past my original due date) and the time was 5:26 p.m. (21 hours after we arrived at the hospital). Mom said I was stubborn and late, but cute nonetheless. All 21 inches and 7 lbs, 5 ounces of me… cute, cute, cute! I started out life as a conehead because Mom tried to push me out of the birth canal for 3 hours! When that didn’t work, the doctors decided to perform an emergency c-section. Yikes… that was a little scary.

Once I came out, I got taken to the NICU to be treated for a possible infection. Although I couldn’t keep my temperature up initially and I needed a little bit of oxygen, I seemed to be in pretty good shape. It turns out I never had an infection, but I was a little jaundice and so we ended up staying in the hospital for 5 days!

I finally got to head home on Easter Sunday (April 20). We stopped at Aunt Julie’s where I got to see a bunch of my family, including Great Grandma Goodenough! After that, I got to settle into my new home with mom and dad.