Welcome to summer!

Yesterday was the longest day of the year, and the official start to summer! Because mom cancelled her day job last year to show me how to do summer, this year, I know just how to fill my days….

Summers are for having friends over!

Summers are for playing on the river!

Summers are for camping!

Summers are for watching horse shows!

Summers are for eating on the deck!

IMG_9752Summers are for flip flops and root beer floats, popsicles and sprinklers. Summers are for grilling out and sleeping in. Every summer has a story. I’m going to have so much fun writing mine!!


Happy Father’s Day!

Dear Dad,

You’re oFISHally my best catch!
You sure know how to float my boat.
Thanks for teaching me the skills I need to “tackle” life!


“Give a boy a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a boy to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Happy Father’s Day!

Hooked on you forever,
Jaeger xoxoxo

P.S. Happy Father’s Day to Papa Florence & Grandpa Goodenough too!

Move over Wisconsin Governor….

…we have a new “walker” in town! Let me teach you a few tricks, perhaps, what it looks like to take steps forward instead of backwards: (See below video tutorials)

Milestone accomplished! I’ve also spent my first couple months of being a one-year-old earning the below list of bragging rights:

  • I learned how to snap!
  • I am a meat eater. Nom, nom, nom! I love brats, hamburgers, breakfast sausage, you name it! But, Mexican food is my favorite entree. Also, I am quite fond of adult beverages, mostly whole milk.
  • I’ve been trying on a couple new smiles: wrinkle-nose-face and the Home-Alone-mouth-wide-open. Somehow they enhance my cuteness.
  • I love to throw the ball around and I’ve got a good arm on me.
  • I invented my own version of the moon walk.
  • Call me a book worm! I’m especially a sucker for those stories with no plot.
  • Put on some good music and my butt automatically starts to wiggle.
  • I can open and close the garage door.
  • I am a trendsetter! According to a recent Yahoo Parenting article, my middle name (Amari) tops a list of gender neutral baby names that are quickly rising in popularity. (Thanks for pointing that out, Kari!)

Impressed? Well, there’s more to come! Being one is fun and I’m just getting started!

June is dairy month!

Last weekend we mooooved our bellies to a neighboring farm for my 2nd annual dairy breakfast. As you might remember, I was too little to sample the pancakes last year…


2014 Dairy Breakfast

…so I brought my teeth with me this time!


2015 Dairy Breakfast

Now I know for sure, eating hot-off-the-griddle pancakes is much better than merely inhaling pancake fumes from a distance.

I also learned that dairy breakfasts are more fun when you stay awake. I got to pet a bunch of animals, play with a balloon, sit on the tractors, and consume all things dairy (including ice cream and cheese curds)! I don’t know about the rest of you, but I plan to celebrate dairy month well after it’s over, because 30 days just isn’t long enough.

Be cool. Stay in school.

School’s out for summer! …But not for an overachiever like me. Besides, if I stayed home for the summer, I wouldn’t get to entertain my lovely daycare teachers and I’d also have no friends to bite.  So if you’re looking for me during the summer weekdays, I’ll be busy getting my learn on. But after school and during the weekends, I’ll be soaking up the sun, discovering new adventures, and connecting with loved ones.

Here are some snapshots of the fun times summer has already brought on:

Bring it on some more, summer!

Good Times with Papa Florence

Last weekend I took my earaches and my grumpy face to go visit Papa Florence! I sure love him and he loved me back, despite my occasional meltdowns. We had a full weekend…catching up, playing with my cars (and his cars), and showing off my still-can’t-walk skills… but my favorite part was giving Papa high-fives! I also met Uncle Bryan and hung out with Aunt Donna. Thanks for the visits!! Before heading back north, we practiced hitting some golf balls so Mom could represent at her big golf outing the next day. After Dad taught her a few swinging techniques, Mom took over the golf clubs and she was really good…. at missing the ball. How embarrassing! Hopefully I inherited Dad’s hand-eye coordination. Nevertheless, Mom still participated in her golf outing and everyone was really impressed…. with her plaid golf pants.